
A basic introduction to ModMeta Relay

ModMeta Relay is an unofficial implementation of the ModMeta API for interfacing Vortex (or any other ModMeta client) with any non-Nexus mod source. To clarify, this project is not affiliated in any way with Nexus Mods or anyone else, and is an open-source community resource.

Status and Limitations

The ModMeta Relay project is very new and is largely untested! That being said, I believe it to be functioning at a basic level and both the REST and plugin API are reasonably stable. The following is definitely supported at this point:

  • REST GET API: The basic set of GET endpoints for the ModMeta REST API are supported through plugins (see below)
  • Plugins: the ModMeta Relay can load any valid plugin at runtime to support other sources

There's a few things that we specifically don't have (yet):

  • POST/Describe API: The Plugin API doesn't currently have any support for saving mod metadata, so the Describe endpoints are not available.
  • Shared Services: Plugins currently have to implement a lot of their own functionality and shared services. This is on the roadmap.
  • Error Handling: The server's error handling is pretty barebones. You might see more errors and odd behaviours surface.

ModMeta Basics

An overview of what the ModMeta API is for

Relay Plugins

A basic introduction to Relay Plugins

Frequently Asked Questions