Running the Relay server

Set up and run your ModMeta Relay server

Installing ModMeta Relay

There's a couple of ways of running ModMeta Relay at present.


We automatically build and publish a Docker image for tagged versions to To run the server locally, or on any supported Docker host:

docker run -d -p <external-port-here>:80 -v /path/to/your/plugins:/app/plugins<your-version-here>
# for example
docker run -d -p 8080:80 -v /tmp/modmeta-plugins:/app/plugins

The server will be immediately ready to serve mod requests at whatever port you bound to port 80.

Remember that without any plugins available, the server will still run, but will never return any results!

Native Packages

We also publish native builds for Windows and Linux through GitHub Releases. Find the release you want to use, download the correct .zip for your platform and extract it somewhere. Create a plugins directory and drop in your plugins, and run ModMetaRelay/ModMetaRelay.exe to start the server. You can change the listening port in appSettings.json, by adding a new key to the configuration:


CI or Local Builds

If you have the .NET Core runtime already installed, you can use the dotnet-any builds available from the CI builds. Simply download the modmeta-relay artifact from a build and run dotnet ModMetRelay.dll from the dotnet-any directory.

If you have the SDK installed, you can build your own pretty easily by cloning the repo and running the following:

dotnet tool restore
dotnet cake --bootstrap
dotnet cake --target=Publish

This will quickly build all the installation variants locally, into the dist/ folder.